Our Missionary

Below is a list of all missionaries approved by the IBFI.

Jeremy and Joneia Bennett Brazil On Field
Jared and Elizabeth Blair Norway On Deputation
Derek Bray Antioch Baptist Church Planter On Deputation
Daniel and Tammy Coates Guatemala On Field
Darrain and Mari Coker Mexico On Field
Zack and Charish Doty Antioch Baptist Church Planter On Field
Scott and Darla Griffin Homeless No More On Field
True and Diana Hawkins Brazil On Field
Mark and Tricia Haynes Navajo Indians On Field
Melissa Houston Rio Grande Valley On Field
Ted and Karin Johnson Mexico Retired
Daniel and Michelle Jones Rio Grande Valley/Mexico On Field
Larry and Regina McKinney N. American Indians On Field
Flo McMillan Brazil Retired
Harold Priday Honduras On Field
Leslie Priday Honduras On Field
Tony and Melissa Roa Rockwall, Texas On Field
Breze and Chantal Serugamba Africa On Deputation
Bill and Sharon Smith Brazil On Field
Ron and Kathy Valerio Dominican Republic Retired
Heath and Caryssa Van Zandt Rhome, Texas - Church Planter On Field
Becky Wambsganss Accent Radio Retired
Tyler Yates Mexico On Field
John and Neila Yelle Brazil On Furlough
J.D and Vanessa Young Spain On Field



 New Missionary Families

Jared Elizabeth Blair Jared and Elizabeth Blair
Missionary to Norway



Tyler Yates
Missionary to Mexico
Jeremy Bennett sm Jeremy and Joneia Bennett
Missionaries to Brazil 
 Van Zadt Heath and Caryssa Van Zandt
Church Planters – Rhome, Texas