PO Box 151259, Fort Worth, TX 76108 +1 (817) 367-3422 missionoffice@ibfi.us

About Us

The IBFI is a fellowship of Independent Fundamental Baptist pastors, evangelists and missionaries that come together with three common purposes:

  1. The encouragement of fellow pastors in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ through regional and national fellowship meetings.
  2. Assist local New Testament Churches with the IBFI Mission Agency as we fulfill the command of our Lord Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel to every creature with the goal of establishing local New Testament churches around the world.
  3. Training and preparation of Christian Workers through the Norris Bible Baptist Seminary.

The IBFI is open to any pastor and church who wishes to unite in our efforts in the work of Jesus Christ by simply attending the meetings and voluntarily supporting the ministries of the IBFI.

Our Goals

  1. To serve fundamental Baptist churches.
  2. To spread the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the world.

Our History

The Independent Baptist Fellowship International was organized in May 1984 in Fort Worth, Texas, as a fellowship of Baptist pastors representing their churches, dedicated to the task of taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unsaved around the World!

Our Declaration of Faith